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Amalgam Tattoo Removal

To get rid of the unsightly blueish/gray stain on your oral tissues that can be left by the old silver fillings corroding in your mouth we offer laser removal of these stains from your gum tissues.

The amalgam treatment is a non-surgical option to eliminate these blemishes from your gums and can greatly enhance the cosmetics of your smile!

Understanding Dentures - amalgam examination

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes an amalgam tattoo?

The fillings contain mercury, silver, tin, and copper, giving the filling its metallic color. In most cases, amalgam particles are introduced into tissues when the fillings are applied or removed. During extractions, pieces of the filling may accidentally fall into and lodge in the tooth socket. Amalgam is also used after root canal therapy in surgery, so it may appear around the surgical scar.

We can usually make the diagnosis simply based on your dental history and the way it looks. Sometimes, a dental radiograph may show the metal particles if they are large enough. In rare cases, a biopsy may be necessary such as if the lesion appears suddenly, if it is not in the vicinity of a restored tooth, or if there has been a change in size, shape, or color.

How are they treated?

These tattoos don’t cause any health problems so they don’t require treatment. However, you may want to have it removed for cosmetic reasons. We can remove an amalgam tattoo using laser treatment. This involves using a laser to stimulate the skin cells in the area. Stimulating these cells helps to dislodge trapped amalgam particles. Following laser treatment, you’ll need to use a very soft toothbrush to stimulate new cell growth for a few weeks.